Wednesday, February 10, 2010symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus type 2

Diabetes mellitus type 2 - once called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM, "diabetes is not dependent on insulin") - occurs due to a combination of defective insulin secretion and insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity (defective responsiveness of tissues to insulin), which involves the insulin receptor in cell membranes. In the early stages of the main abnormality is reduced insulin sensitivity, characterized by increased levels of insulin in the blood. At this stage hyperglycemia can be over in various ways and anti-diabetes drugs that increase insulin sensitivity or reduce glucose production by the liver, but the more severe the disease, diminished insulin secretion, and treatment with insulin often becomes necessary. There are several theories that the exact cause and mechanism of this resistance, but central obesity (fat concentrated around the waist in relation to Abdominal Organs, not it seems, subcutaneous fat) is known to predispose individuals for insulin resistance, possibly in connection with the expenditure of adipokines (a group of hormones) that impair glucose tolerance. Abdominal fat is especially active hormonally. Obesity is found in approximately 90% of patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Other factors may include the hatch and a family history, although in the decade that was] the end [that] has continued to increase began to affect teenagers and children.

Type 2 diabetes may go unnoticed for years in some patients [before / in front of] the diagnostic results [as / when] the visible symptoms are typically soft or that does not exist, without ketoacidotic, and can be sporadic .. However, difficulties may be caused by irritating unnoticed type 2 diabetes, including failure associated with renal vascular disease (including diseases pulse / main street of a heart attack), vision damage, etc.

Type 2 diabetes is usually first, treated by way of physical activity change (usually increase), diet (generally to decrease carbohydrate intake), and weight loss. These can restore insulin sensitivity, even when the weight loss / weight is modest, for example, around 5 kg (10 to 15 lb), most especially when it is in abdominal fat deposits. The next step, if necessary, is treatment with oral [[antidiabetic drugs. [As / When / Because] insulin production is the treatment initially unimpaired, verbal (often used in combination) can still be used to improve insulin production (eg, sulfonylureas), to regulate the release / release that are not in accordance of glucose by the liver (and attenuate insulin resistance to some extent (eg, metformin), and to substantially attenuate insulin resistance (eg, thiazolidinediones). If this fails, insulin medicine will be needed to maintain normal or near normal glucose levels. A an orderly way of life of blood glucose checks is recommended in many cases, most particularly and most necessary when taking medication.
@ symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus