Diabetes or diabetes mellitus diidap many Indonesian people. A people with diabetes mellitus have blood sugar levels high so that the patient must be careful in applying the diet.
Doctors also often recommend that patients taking the drug in the discipline, diet, and exercise, and avoid stress. Many are drugs on the market to "cure" diabetes, but often expensive, because the materials must be imported. How to avoid stress when to buy drugs that exorbitant price just hard.
Lucky, have now found a cheap drug and can be obtained easily. In the traditional markets are muddy when rain and dust during the dry season, "drug" can be easily obtained. In the supermarket there, but if you want less expensive it is better to choose the traditional market. If you are reluctant to travel, we are just waiting for the builders vegetables through the house. Then the "drug" what's cheap? Beans.
Yeah, right. Fruit crops like beans, but shorter and fat were able to treat diabetes mellitus.
This was revealed in a dissertation Yayuk Andayani, who has presented his research titled "Mechanisms Bean Extract Antihiperglikemik activity in rats Diabetes and Active Component Identification" for the doctoral degree at the campus Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Darmaga, some time ago.
In his research, Yayuk using white rats as experimental animals. White mice were three months old by Yayuk given induction treatment of diabetes. It means, "deliberately" made the white rat diabetes mellitus. Before injected with diabetes, these mice were given bean extract. It turned out that within 30 minutes after "intentionally" made to suffer diabetes, blood sugar pressure rats returned to normal, without experiencing a decrease in hypoglycemic levels (below the normal sugar level-red.).
The question arises, what is the "magic" beans, so just in time ½ hour could lower blood sugar levels to normal limits. Yayuk based analysis, the beans contained in a substance called B-sitosterol and stigmasterol. Both these substances are able to increase production of insulin.
Insulin is a hormone produced naturally by our bodies from the organ called the pancreas. Insulin works to lower blood sugar levels. Someone had diabetes mellitus when the pancreas produces little insulin or can not produce at all. It turned out that two substances were able to stimulate the pancreas to increase insulin production.
In addition to the two substances had, Yayuk obtain data that 100 grams of bean extract contained 7.81% carbohydrate, fat 0.28%, 1.77% protein, 2.07% crude fiber, and ash content of 0.32%.
For medical and pharmaceutical world, it's certainly Yayuk invention can be used as a reference to a diabetes drug with bean extract. Obviously many benefits, especially for communities, for diabetes drugs would be cheaper and easy to obtain with many materials available.
For society, the breakthrough could Yayuk comforting that many people with diabetes mellitus, particularly those of the incompetent. Enough to buy beans and eat vegetables regularly, blood sugar levels could fall. The benefits felt more beans when eaten as Lalapan. If cooked in the form of oseng-oseng with the addition of meat is fine.
Blessed are those who often eat Lalapan beans. It turned out that in addition to sweet, green beans can also prevent and eliminate diabetes..
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