Approximately 650,000 Indonesian children have diabetes mellitus type 2. Unhealthy lifestyles and unbalanced trigger an increasing number of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia.
Chairman of the Diabetes and Nutrition Center (PDN) RSU Dr. Surabaya Askandar Soetomo Tjokroprawiro said, the Ministry of Health recorded at least 13 million people of Indonesia have diabetes mellitus (DM). Five percent of them or about 650,000 people were children, who generally suffer from type 2 diabetes. "Type 2 diabetes is caused by a lifestyle that is not healthy to cause insulin resistance," explained Askandar, Tuesday (3 / 11).
Currently, type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes is most commonly found. "If the first type 2 diabetes associated with old age, it can attack since the age of children, adolescents, and adults age. Children today are a lot of unhealthy food and lack of move-prone type 2 diabetes suffer, "he said.
Parents should watch their eating habits and physical activity their children at home. In addition, parents also need to watch the development of child weight. Children who suffer from DM usually indicated often faster hungry and thirsty, urinate a lot, and her weight was never rises. "If you see these symptoms have to be careful. Try to encourage children to check their blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are normal in children with normal glucose levels for adults, which ranges from 100-140 mg / dl, "Askandar explained.
Researchers at the PDN, Great Pranoto, say, increasing the number of people with DM is high enough. Nationally, the average sufferer rose 5.7 percent. However, in some big cities like Jakarta, increasing the number of sufferers could reach 12 percent per year. "This condition is of concern because the number of deaths due to diabetes is high. Throughout the world, an average of six people die every minute from complications of diabetes, "said Agung.
In fact, there is the possibility of DM patients in Indonesia more than that recorded in the Ministry of Health.
Askandar also revealed, DM sufferers prone to osteoporosis. High sugar levels in the blood stimulate hormones that reduce the level of bone density. Left untreated, people with DM will eventually osteoporosis and fractures easily.
Source: | 2009/11/04 Posted By. Rudi
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» 650,000 Children Have Diabetes
» 650,000 Children Have Diabetes
» 650,000 Children Have Diabetes
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» 650,000 Children Have Diabetes