Friday, February 12, 2010symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus

There's Artificial Pancreas for Diabetes Patients!

THE scientist in Cambridge, England, showing artificial pancreas could serve to regulate blood sugar levels in children with type 1 diabetes. The results of this research is a step forward in diabetes research.

In these trials, the scientists combine sensors "real time" which measures glucose levels with insulin pumps that deliver so that they can control blood sugar levels overnight. This will significantly reduce the risk of hypoglycemia (blood sugar too low).

Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas produces only a little insulin or none at all. Without insulin circulating in the blood, the sugar will not be able to enter body cells and will remain in the blood. To replace the insulin the body does not produce it, type 1 diabetics rely on insulin medication or injections.

In research conducted in the UK, 17 children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes participated in the study for 54 nights in the hospital. In general, glucose monitoring devices and insulin pumps are used in this research is widely used and sold freely.

However, for the patient's condition monitoring system can be deeper, the researchers made a sophisticated algorithm to calculate the amount of insulin delivered based on current glucose levels (real time).

The researchers then measured the work of artificial pancreas to control glucose levels compared with patients who use insulin pumps. In general, artificial pancreas is able to keep blood sugar within normal levels around 60 percent, compared with the insulin pump that only 40 percent.

Since the late 1970s, doctors had to transplant the pancreas. If the transplant is successful, a lot of people with diabetes it does not take insulin or need to frequently measure blood sugar.

However, transplantation is not always successful. In addition to the risks associated with any surgery, there is also a reaction to rejection of new organs. Therefore, the doctors recommend the use of medications and lifestyle changes to control diabetes.

Hopefully, with the success of artificial pancreas test this, open the hope for people with diabetes avoid the dangers of high blood sugar fluctuations.

Source: Sripo

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