In Indonesia there are approximately 25 million people with diabetes mellitus, while in Jakarta 1 of 7 people diabetes. And this number does not include the people who have risk factors.
Diabetes is a disorder of glucose use that occurs in the body. Diabetes does not happen just like that. Before a person diagnosed with diabetes, they have a normal phase, then increases to eventually suffer from prediabetes and diabetes.
"For diabetics, the concern now is the fasting blood sugar falls below normal (hypoglycemia), blood sugar rises above normal (hyperglycemia) and the complications that arise can be harmful," said Dr. Dante Saksono H, SpPD, PhD in the Mini Symposium 'Stay Healthy and Fit During the month of Ramadan' in the Hall FK-UI RSCM, August 19, 2009.
Dr. Dante divide the patients into three categories of diabetes risk, namely:
Low risk patients with diabetes, patients are usually controlled with diet, oral medication controlled by a single well and stable and no severe complications. Usually these groups are allowed to do the fasting.
Moderate risk patients with diabetes, these patients lived alone and uses insulin and also have medical conditions that affected, to heavy physical work, using a single dose of insulin, oral medication or a combination of advanced age. This group can do fast, but must get control of the doctors and diligent consultation.
High-risk patients with diabetes, have type 1 diabetes, using insulin doses or divided doses, experienced a severe illness, was pregnant and having complications. This group should not be done fast, if it wants to fast must have strict control of the doctor.
For that there are some things that should be done by people with diabetes are:
Do not push yourself, you should make a plan with your doctor before fasting and sought no dangerous complications.
Siasati good diet, consume complex carbohydrates such as rice or bread at dawn and sunset when combined with simple carbohydrates such as start dates or new tea followed by a complex carbohydrate or difficult to digest.
Arrange time and dose of the drug, there are several drugs that can make hypoglycemia, so it should first consult with your doctor what drug is better taken at dawn and at sunset. If there is only one drug is taken early morning so should be taken while fasting. For single-use insulin should be used when breaking and the dose reduced 10 percent.
Prevent dehydration, high blood sugar can ease a person affected by dehydration. But do not drink too much at dawn, but better to drink in stages since then break until dawn.
Know the signs of complications, complications which can occur due to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Check blood sugar in the first week on a regular basis three times a day during hours of 8, 12 and 17, if the blood sugar well controlled can continue fasting. Do not continue fasting if blood sugar is not well controlled and do consult with your doctor.
For patients with diabetes can do fast, if done in a planned and monitored properly.
Source: | by: Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth | 20/08/2009
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