Sunday, February 7, 2010symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes in children difficult to detect since the early

Diabetes mellitus currently attacking not only adults, but had attacked the children and adolescents. Ironically again, diabetes in children is difficult to detect early stage even as a baby though.

According to doctors from the Child Specialist Hospital Luszy Gading Pluit Jakarta Arijanti, there are no specific signs of a baby who can prove that a child will be suffering from diabetes. "Usually the child will suffer from diabetes discovered at the age of 7 years and over," he said on the sidelines of diabetes mellitus Seminar, in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Luszy added, symptoms of diabetes in children is similar to symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, frequent bowel movements, decreased consciousness (coma), severe dehydration, seizures and so on. But the difference, the child's breath smelled of acid (acetone). This makes older people sometimes get stuck in it. "Many parents see signs like that think their children stricken with severe diarrhea. And she has developed diabetes. And no less a child with diabetes was taken to hospital in a coma, "he continued.

To anticipate, Luszy information, parents should pay attention to their children at home habits and the development of the child's weight. Children who suffer from DM usually indicated often quickly feel hungry and thirsty, urinate a lot and little weight never rises. "If parents see such symptoms, it must be careful and should immediately check blood sugar. Blood sugar levels are normal in children with normal glucose levels for adults that ranged between 100-140 mg / dl, "he said.

He explained, the children usually suffer from type 1 diabetes. This occurs due to deficiency of insulin due to damage pancreatic beta cells in the body. So that the child is experiencing shortage of the hormone insulin. Mention whether obese children can suffer DM, he said, not all obese children will surely suffer from DM. However, the obesity risk of children suffering from diabetes when he was a descendant with diabetes (genetic factors) 1.

According to him, diabetes in children can also cause death and can interfere with the process tumbuhkembangnya. DM-affected child should undergo insulin therapy rather than taking medication. Children with diabetes also need to be maintained diet and regular exercise. Luszy admit the children are a little difficult to manage his diet especially now that the presence of fast food is very popular with children. It was here that need parents, families and teachers in helping children to be watching a good diet.

Meanwhile, specialist doctors in the diabetalogi Gading Pluit Hospital, Benny Santosa said the DM can also attack a pregnant woman. Usually it is only known at the time of age entered the fourth month of pregnancy. "But it was not rare, occurs only during pregnancy alone. After giving birth, they had recovered from diabetes, "he said.

Benny reminded, pregnant women who have been convicted of a diabetic, should be able to manage your diet well. "Even after the birth of their declared cured, but the diet must be kept. Because if not, within the next 10 years, and they will suffer with diabetes, "he said.

Therefore, he mengajurkan to pregnant women who had diabetes during pregnancy handaknya insulin therapy and regular exercise. According to him, this insulin therapy does not interfere with the development of babies in the womb. "Akadar Lowers blood sugar of 40 mg / dl in pregnant women at the age of nine months of pregnancy or two weeks before birth, will not cause any negative impact for the baby," said Benny.

Source: Media | Author: Cornelius Eko Susanto

@ symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus