Friday, February 12, 2010symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus

10 Misconceptions About Diabetes

1. Diabetes not a disease Deadly - Wrong! In fact, diabetes is a global killer, which causes far more deaths than deaths from HIV / AIDS. This disease kills 3.8 million people a year. Every 10 seconds someone dies from dibetes or associated with diabetes.

2. Diabetes only on berdapampak rich ngeara state-only - Wrong!
Diabetes attacked all populations, regardless of income populations. This number continues to grow. More than 240 million people worldwide currently have diabetes. This figure will grow to more than 380 million by 2025. In some countries in Asia, the Middle East, Oceania and the Caribbean, diabetes, 12-20% of the population affected by diabetes. In 2025, 80% of cases of diabetes will occur in the country and middle-income rendaha.

3. Diabetes is funded large-scale globally - Wrong!
Offi cial Overseas Development Aid (the official foreign aid) for the health sector in 2002 reached USD 2.9 billion, and only 0.1% just to fund ALL of chronic non communicable diseases (non-communicable chronic disease). Most of the funds was EUR 2.9 billion for mendanani HIV / AIDS. Although far more deadly diabetes globally. When compared with the HIV / AIDS, funds for diabetes is only obtained from a fraction of that 0.1% of the funds available.
In addition, the bank duni to EUR 4.2 billion loan to fund health, population and nutrition between 1997 and 2002. Only 2.5% of the funds given to chronic diseases.

4. Diabetes can be treated with low cost - Wrong!
High cost of diabetes treatment and the potential to cripple any healthcare system. Pembanganan economic opportunities created by the United Nations wanted to developing countries would be eroded due to the effects of this diabetes problem.

5. Diabetes only affects old people - Wrong!
In fact, diabetes affects all age groups. Currently, an estimated 246 million people between the ages of 20 to 79 will be affected by diabetes. In developing countries diabetes on at least 80 million people anara ages 40-59.

6. Diabetes predominantly affects men, Wrong!
In fact, diabetes experienced by both men and women. In fact, more sedikti experienced by women. This also increased dramatically among youth and certain populations due to the risk factor genes.

7. Diabetes is the result of "lifestyle" is not well-Wrong!
The destitute and the children have only limited choices to live in terms of food and education. In short they are forced (or forced) to "lifestyle" is not healthy due to economic conditions and lack of education.

8. Diabetes can not be prevented - Wrong!
Above statements are true as to the case of type 1 diabetes, more than 80% of type 2 diabetes can be prevented with a healthy diet, increasing physical activity and encourage healthy lifestyles.

9. Diabetes be prevented with high cost - Wrong!
Many ways are cheap and low cost to prevent diabetes. Environmental improvements, changes in diet and increased physical activity can prevent diabetes pandemic.

10. After all, we are all going to die, by something because - True but. . .
Death is indeed inevitable, but death does not have experienced a gradual, painful or premature. Diabetes caused 3.8 million deaths globally. With awareness, prevention and appropriate treatment, this can be prevented.

The idea of for '10 misconceptions about diabetes 'dalah by WHO global report,' Preventing chronic diseases: A Vital Investment, which provides 10 misunderstandings about chronic diseases.
Data obtained from various sources, including:
Roglic G et al: The Burden of Mortality Attributable to Diabetes: Realistic estimates for the
year 2000. Diabetes Care 28: 2130-2135. The Diabetes Atlas 3rd Edition, International Diabetes
Federation, 2006. Yach D et al: The Global Burden of chronic diseases. JAMA 2004).

Adapted and translated from '10 misconceptions about diabetes' by the International Diabetes Federation published As with parts of the promotional material UNITED FOR DIABETES.

Hopefully useful
@ symptoms Of Diabetes Mellitus